Tuesday, May 26, 2015


The days are supposedly getting longer, but it feels like they're getting shorter! It's starting to feel like I'm out of time. I barely have time for homework nowadays and don't get me started on my tan. I haven't even be able to even start tanning and it 2 weeks till break.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Garden Poem

We wrote poems in science class this is one,  my friends and I wrote:
As the giants come out walking
They are loud as they are talking
I run away from their big soles
The super giants are shocking

As I start to come out of my hole
The plants start to make a drum roll
It looks like a feast just for me
So I make my way towards the bowl

Here comes my enemy the bee
Hoping I was allowed to flee
I run away,l the fight is done
Now I am going to be free

Plants are relaxing in the sun
I am about to eat a ton
This nice fall day was loads of fun!
This nice fall day was loads of fun!

We were replicating a Robert Frost poem. Hope you like it!